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Heather J. Wright                                                     

Psychologist                                                                                                                                                                                     2 Fowler St

BA(Psych), P.G.Dip.C.Psych                                                                               Shepparton 3630

Reg No:  PSY0001123866


Heather J Wright Pty Ltd


Phone:  58 217 650                                                                                                                                             

mobile: 0488223218                                                                                               



                                         Room Hire Agreement - Terms & Conditions


For Office located at 2 Fowler Street, Shepparton, Victoria, 3630

Landlord:  Heather June Wright, 110 Centre Road, Invergordon, Victoria, 3636

Business Practice:  Heather June Wright Pty Ltd



Hiring of the office room is subject to the following terms and conditions:



1. Counsellors and Psychologists (hereafter called Counsellors) will maintain appropriate professional registration and both professional indemnity insurance and public liability insurance. A copy of these is to be made available to Heather Wright prior to hiring the room and upon request at any time during the ongoing usage of the room.  Harm to the Counsellor’s clients incurred through attending 2 Fowler Street, Shepparton, is the responsibility of the Counsellor and falls under the cover of the Counsellor’s insurance policies.



2. The room will only be used for purposes that are appropriate to the counselling qualifications and registration of the practitioner concerned.



3. All room usage will be booked and recorded in the Office Diary.  Each booking needs to state the Counsellors name eg.  WRIGHT and as suits you, clients initials.



4. All room hire/usage (bookings) is to be paid for at the current rate as noted in this Clause.   Payments of hire fees are to be kept up to date.


              Hourly Rate:         9am to 7pm Monday to Friday        $13 per hour + GST


              Day Rate:               9am to 4pm Monday to Friday         $52 per day + GST



5. The room is available on the hour and is to be vacated on the hour when there is a booking for the next hour.



6.  If you require the use of the room between clients,  please  book  the hire/usage in the Office Diary.  Payment is at the current rate.



7. If you run over time with your client, this is to be recorded and time usage of the room paid for at the current rate.



8. Counsellors are permitted to use the rooms for note taking and other non–client work if the room is not booked by anyone else.  These hours will be booked/recorded  in the Office Diary and paid for at the current rate.



9.  The hired use of the room includes use of the waiting room area, client toilet, staff toilet, staff kitchen/private lounge area and carpark for the practice of your business – during the hours the room is hired.



10. The room is to be left in a clean and tidy state. No food or food containers in waste paper bins. Lights and heaters/airconditioners  turned  off,  blinds closed and the door left open.  Windows are not to be opened for security reasons.



11. If you are last in the house, it is the your responsibility to make sure that the house is locked and secure and that all heaters/air conditioners and lights are turned off.



12. Any damage to the room or its furnishings, the house building or its furnishings, and the surrounding yard, gardens, sheds and  carparks  incurred by the you the Counsellor,  or your clients must be reported to Heather Wright and paid for by the Counsellor.



13.  Shelving in the room’s  built- in storage may be used/shared between Counsellors.  Leaving your property at the room is at your own risk of theft of, or damage to your property and replacement is your responsibility.



14.  Hire of the room includes your responsibility to ensure that your clients’ behavior is respectful of others and the building, is quiet, and is not disruptive to other clients or Counsellors.                                                                               


15.  Cost of electricity, gas, water, rates, cleaning and gardening are the obligation of the Landlord.







Signing of this Agreement is legal acceptance of the above 15 terms and conditions which apply to the hire of this room for use as a Counselling Office only.






Name of Counsellor…………………………………………………………….


Contact Address……………………………………………………………….. Phone Contact………………..


Signature of Counsellor…………………………………………………………Date of Signature……………


Witnessed by Heather June Wright…………………………………………….Date of Signature……………                                                    

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